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StructSure, AI QA

The first of its kind.

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Interested in StructSure, AI QA?

Scientific. Comprehensive. Efficient.

Quality assurance software for AI-based contouring engines.

Evaluate Intelligent Autosegmentation

Compare the output of any autosegmentation tool to a standard structure set

Improve Contouring Consistency

Analyze pairs of datasets for training or evaluation.

Unparalleled Contouring QA

Import pairs of DICOM RT structure datasets and evaluate them.

Intelligent Autosegmentation QA

New! Batch Analysis

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Perform batch auto-seg QA in seconds!

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Jul 22nd, 2021 / Intelligent Autosegmentation QA

Have the confidence moving forward in the age of AI autosegmentation. StructSure, AI QA is the first QA software for the contouring of structures. Join us to learn how to leverage this software.
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Jul 28th, 2021 / Intelligent AI Autosegmentation QA

New! StructSure, AI QA is the first QA software for the contouring of structures. Evaluate sophisticated auto-contouring engines and improve auto-contouring consistency with this unparalleled contouring QA tool. Part of our AAPM webinar series.
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